


Hypermediated– arranging text, graphics and video in multiple panes and windows and joining them with numerous hyperlinks

Remediation– to multiply media and to erase all traces of mediation

Immediacy– To want immediately, leads to hypermediacy


Digital Media

The following quotes give insight into what digital media is:

“websites are riots of diverse media forms-graphics, digitized photographs, animation, and video.”

” strange days captures the ambivalent and contradictory ways in which new digital media function for our culture today.”

“The desire for immediacy leads digital media to borrow avidly from each other as well as from their analog predecessors such as film, television, and photography.”

” No medium today and certainly no single media event seems to do its cultural work in isolation from other social and economic forces.”

To sum these up I would say that immediacy has caused to digital media to use any and all available avenues to improve itself and function.


The example of a CNN newscast was a good example of how these two coexist. CNN site is hypermediaeted- arranging text, graphics and video in multiple panes and windows and joining them with numerous hyperlinks, yet the web site borrows its sense of immediacy from the televised CNN newscasts, being that nothing screams immediate like a live feed. Also you have newscasts looking like webpages with the same multiple screens, graphics, etc. A weather forecast is a good example of all these with the graphs and the immediate weather update.

This CNN weather forecast signifies the relationship between immediacy and hypermediacy, with multiple screen shots and graphics.



Works Cited

Bolter, Jay and Grusin, Richard. Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.


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