For my traditional resume I chose a normal format. My font size was 12 and the font I used was Times New Roman. The reason I kept my resume plain is because the format for writing journalism stays the same. AP style is what news organizations use in writing their news stories. While the content may differ in different organizations, the style remains the same. For this reason I kept my resume generic.
For my scannable resume I kept the same format as the traditional for the same reasons listed above. The only difference was that I removed all bold and underlines from the resume and used spacing to dictate what my headings were. I did this because this resume is read by a computer and things ,like bolding or font size, can give the computer problems in reading my resume.
My profile included all the mandatory information. Additionally, I added a skills and courses section. The skills makes up for my lack of experience in the journalism field as they can be applied to the job I’m seeking. The courses section demonstrates individual courses I’ve taken that shows I have extensive knowledge on the course subject.
I chose to do my video in the crowded and noisy Webb Center. My purpose in doing so shows that I can concentrate and get my message across even amid chaos. Chaos that is often present in the newsroom or at press conference where hundreds of people are asking questions at the same time. I kept this video short as in writing news the lead is the most important part, as it draws in your audience and summarizes the story. If your lead isn’t good then no matter how great the remainder of the story is, it won’t be read. In doing a short video I am simulating my ability to grasp the audience’s attention and giving them the most important reasons I should get the job.
For my experience timeline I included my education with images. This included graduating from TNCC, attending ODU, and listing a course I’m taking. Also I added items that I planned to do prior to graduation that would improve my strengths and weaknesses. I added joining the student newspaper and a sports writing class as my future events.